PLS - NIT tutorial (part 15)

Improving statistics with Cubist
NIT Tutorial

José Ramón Cuesta


January 30, 2023

Let´s continue developing regressions looking for the better performance for every parameter in our “tecator” data set. Let´s try this time with an algorithm called “Cubist”. We will use the same math treatment that we have used for the PLS, and also the same training and test sets, so this way we can compare the performance of the models. We use as well the “train” function from the “Caret” package using this time the method “cubist”.

As always we load the previous workspace

load("C:/BLOG/Workspaces/NIT Tutorial/NIT_ws14.RData")

Cubist Model for Protein

tec2_cubist_model2_prot <- train(x = tec2_prot_train$snvdt2der2_spec, 
                                 y = tec2_prot_train$Protein, method = "cubist", tuneLength = 20, trControl = ctrl)


160 samples
100 predictors

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 144, 144, 144, 144, 144, 143, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  committees  neighbors  RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
   1          0          1.2870050  0.8104673  0.9534556
   1          5          1.0728193  0.8699636  0.7947601
   1          9          1.1102337  0.8619752  0.8147805
  10          0          1.1515555  0.8506506  0.8899444
  10          5          0.9585324  0.8958449  0.7263252
  10          9          0.9823007  0.8913229  0.7421395
  20          0          1.1560479  0.8515777  0.8868184
  20          5          0.9682421  0.8945563  0.7233595
  20          9          0.9884495  0.8900776  0.7365313

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were committees = 10 and neighbors = 5.
pred_cubist_prot <- predict(tec2_cubist_model2_prot, tec2_prot_test$snvdt2der2_spec)
#plot (pred_cubist_prot, tec2_prot_test$Protein)
test_cubistprot_preds <- bind_cols(tec2_prot_test$SampleID ,tec2_prot_test$Protein, pred_cubist_prot, tec2_prot_test$outlier)
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
• `` -> `...2`
• `` -> `...3`
• `` -> `...4`
colnames(test_cubistprot_preds) <- c("SampleID", "Prot_lab", "Prot_pred", "Outlier")
test_cubistprot_preds %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Prot_pred, y = Prot_lab, colour = Outlier)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  geom_abline() +
  ggtitle("Cubist Model for Protein") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("no outlier" = "green",
                                "Warning outlier" = "orange",
                                "Action outlier" ="red"))

Figure 1: Protein predicted vs reference values.

Cubist Model for Fat

tec2_cubist_model2_fat <- train(x = tec2_fat_train$snvdt2der2_spec, 
                                 y = tec2_fat_train$Fat, method = "cubist", tuneLength = 20, trControl = ctrl)


160 samples
100 predictors

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 144, 145, 143, 144, 144, 144, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  committees  neighbors  RMSE      Rsquared   MAE      
   1          0          2.198035  0.9769629  1.6246736
   1          5          1.083412  0.9929048  0.7781370
   1          9          1.113212  0.9925964  0.8361789
  10          0          2.166602  0.9782695  1.6297020
  10          5          1.042068  0.9937319  0.7460829
  10          9          1.078624  0.9934530  0.8008387
  20          0          2.179303  0.9781454  1.6370725
  20          5          1.039929  0.9937569  0.7427505
  20          9          1.061908  0.9936486  0.7916956

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were committees = 20 and neighbors = 5.
pred_cubist_fat <- predict(tec2_cubist_model2_fat, tec2_fat_test$snvdt2der2_spec)
#plot (pred_cubist_fat, tec2_fat_test$Fat)
test_cubistfat_preds <- bind_cols(tec2_fat_test$SampleID ,tec2_fat_test$Fat, pred_cubist_fat, tec2_fat_test$outlier)
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
• `` -> `...2`
• `` -> `...3`
• `` -> `...4`
colnames(test_cubistfat_preds) <- c("SampleID", "Fat_lab", "Fat_pred", "Outlier")
test_cubistfat_preds %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Fat_pred, y = Fat_lab, colour = Outlier)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  geom_abline() +
  ggtitle("Cubist Model for Fat") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("no outlier" = "green",
                                "Warning outlier" = "orange",
                                "Action outlier" ="red"))

Figure 2: Fat predicted vs reference values.

Cubist Model for Moisture

tec2_cubist_model2_moi <- train(x = tec2_moi_train$snvdt2der2_spec, 
                                 y = tec2_moi_train$Moisture, method = "cubist", tuneLength = 20, trControl = ctrl)


159 samples
100 predictors

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 143, 143, 143, 143, 143, 143, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  committees  neighbors  RMSE      Rsquared   MAE      
   1          0          1.478564  0.9776294  1.1032646
   1          5          1.148678  0.9846630  0.8398640
   1          9          1.188129  0.9838546  0.8687294
  10          0          1.426324  0.9785558  1.1171312
  10          5          1.119442  0.9847117  0.8275355
  10          9          1.162376  0.9838461  0.8563880
  20          0          1.453163  0.9777731  1.1357573
  20          5          1.137881  0.9844723  0.8375293
  20          9          1.181599  0.9835126  0.8613441

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were committees = 10 and neighbors = 5.
pred_cubist_moi <- predict(tec2_cubist_model2_moi, tec2_moi_test$snvdt2der2_spec)
#plot (pred_cubist_moi, tec2_moi_test$Moisture)
test_cubistmoi_preds <- bind_cols(tec2_moi_test$SampleID ,tec2_moi_test$Moisture, pred_cubist_moi, tec2_moi_test$outlier)
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
• `` -> `...2`
• `` -> `...3`
• `` -> `...4`
colnames(test_cubistmoi_preds) <- c("SampleID", "Moi_lab", "Moi_pred", "Outlier")
test_cubistmoi_preds %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Moi_pred, y = Moi_lab, colour = Outlier)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  geom_abline() +
  ggtitle("Cubist Model for Moisture") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("no outlier" = "green",
                                "Warning outlier" = "orange",
                                "Action outlier" ="red"))

Figure 3: Moisture predicted vs reference values.

save.image("C:/BLOG/Workspaces/NIT Tutorial/NIT_ws15.RData")

Statistics for the Cubist Models

Parameter N training N test Commitees RMSE train RMSE test
Protein 160 55 3 0.96 1.05
Fat 160 55 1 0.95 0.75
Moisture 160 56 10 1.16 1.10


As we can see there is a high improvement in the predictions for Fat and Moisture, so it seems that in some way the cubist algorithm can handle some of the problems we saw in the pls for this two parameters. it seems that a deeper understanding of the theory of the cubist algorithm to configure better the hyper-parameters will give better models and better statistics results.