load("C:/BLOG/Workspaces/NIT Tutorial/NIT_ws15.RData")
We continue the tutorial trying to improve as much as we can the statistics for the “tecator” data, and this time we will use the Random Forest algorithm, that is used very often with other type of data, but not with near infrared spectra data.
As always we load the previous workspace, and the libraries we need:
Random Forest model for Protein
As we have seen in other posts we have to prepare the dataframe used to build the random forest model in order not to get errors, so let´s do it first for protein:
<- data.frame(Protein = tec2_prot_train$Protein, tec2_prot_train$snvdt2der2_spec)
tec2rf_prot_train <- data.frame(tec2_prot_test$snvdt2der2_spec) tec2rf_prot_test
We are going to use cross validation to define the best hyper-parameters using the training data and keeping as always the test data apart to validate the model. Let´s divide in four folds the training data we have prepared for protein in the previous posts, and we will see how the statistics and graphics about how well the predicted values for protein fit with the reference values for every fold taken apart. Cross Validation is a good method to find outliers, and to find the best configuration for the model hyper-parameters.
# Prepare the dataframe containing the cross validation partitions
<- vfold_cv(tec2rf_prot_train, v = 4)
t2prot_cv_split <- t2prot_cv_split %>%
t2prot_cv_data mutate(
# Extract the train dataframe for each split
train = map(splits, ~training(.x)),
# Extract the validate dataframe for each split
validate = map(splits, ~testing(.x))
)# Use head() to preview cv_data
# 4-fold cross-validation
# A tibble: 4 × 4
splits id train validate
<list> <chr> <list> <list>
1 <split [120/40]> Fold1 <df [120 × 101]> <df [40 × 101]>
2 <split [120/40]> Fold2 <df [120 × 101]> <df [40 × 101]>
3 <split [120/40]> Fold3 <df [120 × 101]> <df [40 × 101]>
4 <split [120/40]> Fold4 <df [120 × 101]> <df [40 × 101]>
Now we have the data prepared to develop the regression:
# Build a random forest model for each fold
<- t2prot_cv_data %>%
t2prot_cv_models_rf mutate(model = map(train, ~randomForest(formula = Protein ~.,
data = .x, num.trees = 500)))
<- t2prot_cv_models_rf %>%
t2prot_cv_prep_rf mutate(
# Extract the recorded CaCO3 for the records in the validate dataframes
validate_actual = map(validate, ~.x$Protein),
# Predict Clay for each validate set using its corresponding model
validate_predicted = map2(.x = model, .y = validate, ~predict(.x, .y))
# Calculate validate MAE for each fold
<- t2prot_cv_prep_rf %>%
t2prot_cv_eval_rf mutate(validate_rmse = map2_dbl(validate_actual, validate_predicted, ~rmse(actual = .x, predicted = .y)))
# Print the validate_rmse column
$validate_rmse t2prot_cv_eval_rf
[1] 1.0805879 0.9528476 0.7627112 1.0173726
# Calculate the mean of validate_mae column
[1] 0.9533799
As we see the RMSE does not improve the value for the PLS
For a better visualization we create a dataframe with the actual values and predictions for the four folds, creating a new field to add the fold value.
<- bind_cols(t2prot_cv_eval_rf$id[[1]],
cv_fold1 $validate_actual[[1]],
t2prot_cv_eval_rf$validate_predicted[[1]]) t2prot_cv_eval_rf
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
• `` -> `...2`
• `` -> `...3`
<- cv_fold1 %>%
cv_fold1 mutate(Fold = "Fold 1")
<- bind_cols(t2prot_cv_eval_rf$id[[2]],
cv_fold2 $validate_actual[[2]],
t2prot_cv_eval_rf$validate_predicted[[2]]) t2prot_cv_eval_rf
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
• `` -> `...2`
• `` -> `...3`
<- cv_fold2 %>%
cv_fold2 mutate(Fold = "Fold 2")
<- bind_cols(t2prot_cv_eval_rf$id[[3]],
cv_fold3 $validate_actual[[3]],
t2prot_cv_eval_rf$validate_predicted[[3]]) t2prot_cv_eval_rf
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
• `` -> `...2`
• `` -> `...3`
<- cv_fold3 %>%
cv_fold3 mutate(Fold = "Fold 3")
<- bind_cols(t2prot_cv_eval_rf$id[[4]],
cv_fold4 $validate_actual[[4]],
t2prot_cv_eval_rf$validate_predicted[[4]]) t2prot_cv_eval_rf
New names:
• `` -> `...1`
• `` -> `...2`
• `` -> `...3`
<- cv_fold4 %>%
cv_fold4 mutate(Fold = "Fold 4")
<- bind_rows(cv_fold1, cv_fold2, cv_fold3, cv_fold4)
cv_rf_evaluation colnames(cv_rf_evaluation) <- c("ID", "Actual", "Predicted", "Fold")
[1] "Fold1" "Fold2" "Fold3" "Fold4"
cv_rf_evaluation ggplot( aes(x = Predicted, y = Actual, colour = Fold)) +
geom_point() +
In the next posts we will try to fin a better tuning if possible.